01. To update, increase or enhance knowledge and exchange experiences among professionals in the broad field of road works.
02. To know and discuss the advances in the new road management methods, to introduce new construction techniques for road works, to exchange experiences on the road maintenance systems, all geared at optimizing construction and maintenance costs and at achieving the lowest transport cost possible.
03. To create the proper environment to learn about innovations in the technological and scientific field through the Congress Specific Sessions.
04. To learn about new technologies regarding the project, construction and management of road surface, basic works and masonry or concrete structures, traffic, transport, environment and road safety.
05. To exchange opinions on the most convenient options to generate economic resources and financing methods.
06. To discuss the ways to improve road integration among the countries of the region, benefiting from the fact that colleagues from neighboring countries will attend the Congress.
07. To encourage discussion around the action pillars of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety document.
08. To analyze solutions enabling the ongoing transitability of rural roads, and its impact on the national productive and logistics system.
09. To analyze traffic organization, planning and management, whether passenger or cargo vehicles, both in rural and urban areas.
10. To exchange experiences on the inter-modality of transports and on logistics management.